I Was Never The Girl Next Door
This tutorial was written by Serina on the Jan. 9th 2009. Any similarity to any other tutorials is purely coincidental. Tutorial was written using PSP X2 but should work in any other versions to.
Scrapkit "One Bettie" by Simone, its a freebie get it HERE
Tube of your choice, I am using the wonderful artwork of Keith Garvey purchased from MPT and used with a license.
Eye Candy 4000 - Gradient Glow HERE
Wordart of your choice - I used my own which I made and you can get it HERE
Lets make the tag
New canvas 700 x 700
Copy/paste the Betty_Frame2 to your canvas and position it toward the top left corner or wherever you find suits the tube you're going to use.
Copy/paste the tube you have selected to use. Position it whever you find it looks most effective.
Duplicate this tube layer and then mirror it (Image - Mirror).
Lets go back to the frame and using the freehand selection tool, select around the frame right in the middle of the wood bit of the frame.
Copy/paste a paper of your choice as new layer. Image - resize - 80%. Selections - Invert - hit delete once. Selections - Invert again but DO NOT DESELECT. Drag the paper layer so its behind the frame and place it in the right spot.
Do not Deselect.
Drag the mirrored tube layer and position it between the paper layer and the frame. Once you have it where you want it, go Selections - Invert and hit delete on this duplicated tube layer. Then go Selections - Select None.
On the same layer change the blend mode to Hard Light.
Again on same layer, go Effects - Photo Effects - Infrared Film. Use these settings
Copy/paste FlowerGroup-1 to the canvas, Image - resize - 60%. Position it on the bottom left corner.
Copy/paste Betty-Flower-Cluster to your canvas and position it like I have or whever you like that suits your tube.
Now type out a quote or phrase that you like and position it on your tag. I have included in the supplies the one I made and used here incase anyone wants to use the same one. It's one of Bettie Page's very own quotes and I thought it was very cool!!
Copy/paste the Journal and position it so that its the second layer from the bottom of the Layer Palette. Align it so that the text fits on the journal page.
Copy/paste FlowerGroup-1 to the canvas, Image - resize - 60%. Image - Mirror. Position it on the bottom right corner on the journal page.
Copy/paste the rope over to your canvas. Image - resize - 80%. Position it on the longer edge of the journal. You will have to use your rectangle selection tool, select the portion that is hanging off the journal and hit delete. Selections - select none. Now duplicate it, then Image - Rotate - 90 degrees left. Position that on the top edge of the journal, and then delete the hanging off bit. After you've done this one you can then just duplicate this layer, and go Image - Flip and then just move it into place at the bottom of the journal.
Copy/paste the three different flowers to your canvas, and arrange them next to each other like this.
"X" out all the other layers and then merge visible on these three flowers so they become one layer. Position them under the text you typed out on the journal, and then lower the opacity of the layer to 30.
You can now add whatever other elements you like. I added the two different Heart_Metal_Ribbons, resized them and positioned at the bottom of the tag. I also used the Heart-Cushion, resized it and placed it behind the Bettie tube. I added the butterfly and applied a light thin gradient glow of white so it stands out from the rest of the red. To finish off the tag I used the Glitter-Swirl. Copy/paste it over, position it where you like, then duplicate it and rotate or flip it depending on what tube and layout you've gone with.
Add your copywrite info, then delete the white background layer and merge visible on the rest.
Resize to your liking .. and your done!
Hope you enjoyed the tut!
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