Wednesday, November 11, 2009

This Love Cuts Like A Knife

This Love Cuts Like A Knife

This tutorial was written by Serina on the Sept. 16th 2008. Any similarity to any other tutorials is purely coincidental. Tutorial was written using PSP X2 but should work in any other versions to.


Mask and Preset Shape HERE

Tube of your choice, I am using the wonderful artwork of Mariya Nikiforova purchased from MPT and used with a license.

Italian Editors Effect Scacchi Plugin HERE

Eye Candy 4000 - Gradient Glow HERE

Texture of your choice

Brushes or Wordart of your choice - I used the fabulous brushes of Agi which you can find on her deviantart site

Lets begin

New Canvas 600 x 600 white

New Raster layer - Floodfill this layer black

Layers - New Mask Layer - shadymedusa%255Fmask%252D054.jpg. Put checkmark in the Invert box then apply
Right click on Mask-Raster 1 Layer and delete. Click yes to merge it to the layer below
Right click on the Group - Raster 1 and Merge Group.

Effects - Italian Editors Effect - Scacchi
Use settings in preview

Select your magic wand tool, and click inside all the white squares like in my preview. You need to hold down the Shift key whilst you click the squares so all of them stay selected

Now go to your tube and copy it, go back over to your canvas and paste as new layer.

Position your tube off to the right hand side. Once your happy with the positioning go Selections - Invert - and hit delete once. DO NOT DESELECT YET.

Selections - Invert. Now mirror your tube, then copy the mirrored tube and paste it as a new layer off to the left hand side. Selections - Invert - and hit delete once.

Selections - select none.

With the first and second layer of the tube you just added to your canvas, you need to apply the following effect, Effects - Texture Effects - Straw Wall with these settings:

Make sure you do it to both the tube layers you just added.

Now you can copy/paste your tube to the canvas and position it where you like it.
I put a light gradient glow around my tube to make it stand out from the background .. use the following settings:

Effects - Eye Candy 4000 Gradient Glow - Thin

Now to add the preset shape. Select your preshape tool, and find the Fork preset DBM02. Stroke set to white with a width of 3.00 and Fill set to black, Anti-alias and Create as Vector checkmarked, start at the bottom right side of your canvas and drag it all the way to the top till you see its big enough to your liking. Just play around with your tube and the fork till you get them positioned where you like.

When you're happy, right click on the preshape layer and convert the vector 1 layer to raster.

Select your magic wand again, and click inside the black bit of the fork, you can add another layer and floodfill it with a texture of your choice. Whilst its still selected apply the following:

Effects, 3d Effects, Inner Bevel

Selections - Select None Apply the same EC Gradient glow as before to the black layer of the fork.

I used the Thin setting and Glow Width (pixels) set to 12.79.

Add any brushes or wordart you like, add your copywrite information and your watermark, add your name ... and your done!!

X out the white background layer, merge visible. Add your name. And your done!

Hope you enjoyed the tut and can't wait to see your results.

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